Equipment Xchange LLC
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309 Columbia Road
Hammonton NJ 08037

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Decanter Centrifuges
Equipment Xchange LLC buys and sells all makes and models of decanter centrifuges.  We offer decanters "as is" and fully reconditioned. 
Contact Jack DeStefano for all of your centrifuge needs.
Phone 609-561-0500
Used Alfa Laval Aldec 506 (DS 401) horizontal decanter centrifuge. Stainless steel contact parts. Bowl diameter 17.72". Total bowl length 75.20". Max speed 3250 rpm. G force 2657 G. Contact parts T316 stainless steel. Main drive 75 hp. Back drive 15 Hp. Gear box. Serial Number 5020963. Max Solids density 1.2 kg/dm3. Min feed temperature 0 degrees C (32 degrees F). Max feed temperature 100 degrees C. (212 degrees F). Overall dimensions 43.7" wide X 180.28" long X 50.04" high. Weight 4.2 ton Item 12190-001



Used Alfa Laval horizontal decanter model NX418B, stainless steel contacts. Bowl rpm 4000. Bowl diameter 190/353. 14" diameter X 56" long bowl. Sanitary construction. CIP ports. Max Sludge density 1.8kg/dm3. 3.5 kNm 52:1 gear box. Back drive. Needs 40 hp main drive and 5hp back drive motors.
Item 14021-001 2 Available
Used Sharples P660 decanter centrifuge. Stainless Steel contacts. Mounted on table with vibration isolators. Main drive motor is approximately 7.5 hp 3/60/230-460 volts, fixed speed. Backdrive motor is approximately 2 hp 3/60/208 230-460 volts fixed speed. 6000 rpm max speed. With 98:1 gearbox. Serial number 82-P660-210.
Item 12937-001   2 IN STOCK
Used Sharples model PM 75000 decanter centrifuge. T316 stainless steel contacts. 10" single lead conveyor with tungsten carbide tiles. Ribbon conveyor with vanes. TC wear protection at solids discharge. Adjustable liquid discharge ports. 95:1 gearbox ratio. 40 hp DC back drive motor. 150 hp TEFC drive motor. 2600 rpm max speed, approximately 2800 "Gs". Lube panel, isolators, guards, vibration switch. SN 86 PM 75000-88.
Item 11661-001
Used Alfa Laval DSNX4565 decanter. Bowl size 18" X 93". All wetted parts 316 Stainless Steel. Conveyor has a 6" pitch with tungsten carbide tiles for wear protection. 20 Deg beach angle. One row of (8) solid discharge ports with wear protection. Gearbox is a type 6.0 kNm with a 169:1 ratio. Max rpm 2900. Max temp 212 degrees F. Motor 75 hp 1770 rpm. S/N 5020512 Built 1998. Rebuilt 2005 with very little use. 
Item 11313-002 
Used Bird centrifuge model 0150. High G force decanter centrifuge. 7" X 21" bowl. T316L Stainless steel contacts. Max speed 7500 RPM giving 5625X G. Tungsten carbide hard surfacing. Includes base, 10 hp 3 phase 60 cycle 220-460 volt motor and cyclo gearbox.
Item 12107-002   
Used  Alfa Laval / Sharples XM706 decanter centrifuge. Stainless steel contacts. 200 Hp GE Drive Motor. P-180 95:1 Sharples Gearbox. 40 hp GE backdrive. Recirculating Oil System with heat exchanger. Control Panel. Item 11927-001sed recently rebuilt and unused Alfa Laval / Sharples XM706 decanter centrifuge. Stainless steel contacts. 200 Hp GE Drive Motor. P-180 95:1 Sharples Gearbox. 40 hp GE backdrive. Recirculating Oil System with heat exchanger. Control Panel. Item 11927-001     3 IN STOCK
Used Bird Model 24 X 38 screen bowl centrifuge. Cylinder 10 degree design. All wetted parts are stainless steel. 6" double lead conveyor. SA 69 80:1 gear box ratio. Screen openings are .008. S/N SB500
Item 11224-003   
Used Bird Model 2500 H Style solid bowl centrifuges in T316 stainless steel (18 x 54), 1800 RPM with 40 hp motor and SA69 gear unit 80/1 ratio conveyor is a cylinder/ 8 degree with a 6 inch single lead. Feed Tube. On base plate.
Item 12216-001  
Used Sharples P3400 Decanter Centrifuges. 40 HP Motor 
Item 13093-142  
(5 P3400 Decanters In Stock)
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